Up and Over, CCC Tackle the Gospel Pass
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Up and Over, CCC Tackle the Gospel Pass

Starting from the Castle Dell car park about 16 riders took on the challenge of the Gospel Pass Tribute Sunday ride. A few riders left us at Monmouth to do shorter routes and that left 13 stalwarts split into two groups, speedies and progressives, to complete the 160km route which more or less followed the Gospel Pass Audax course. Lunch at the Granary in Hay-on-Wye for the progressives group was followed by tackling the 1600 foot ascent to the Gospel Pass. With snow at the side of road in sparkling sunshine the views were outstanding. Our ride leader even had time for a sneaky ice cream, earning himself the title of Mr Whippy! Both groups captured great pictures from the Pass before descending back home. The descent from Gospel Pass is notoriously tricky and it didnt disappoint! With variable road surfaces, farm traffic and impatient drivers, it took great concentration. The Speedie group had a second stop in Abergavenny whilst the progressive group just had to tackle abusive drivers on the Hereford Road! We gave back as good as we got. Poor Beth had to look after the bikes of six prostate troubled MAMILS who all dived into the public toilets in Abergavenny to relieve their tiny bladders! Poor Doug on his touring bike is probably somewhere still on the course! Well done to Dave Bell who did not give up despite horrendous cramp. Chapeau to James who kept the spirits of the progressive group up and said hello everyone not in car. Thank you Beth for lending me £2.50 for my ice cream cornet, i needed that. Well done to all the riders for making it a great ride on a fabulous spring day. We will do it again soon.

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